Groups, Missions, Service Teams & More
GetInvolved@sothaz.comThere are many ways to “Get Involved” at Shepherd of the Hills. There is a group or ministry that’s the right fit for you. To learn more about any of the opportunities, email us at!
Stay Connected at Home
Weekly Online Events
Sunday Service Livestream
Sunday services – 9:30 am – are broadcast live from our sanctuary. You have two options for viewing the livestream:
Be sure to follow us on Facebook to be notified when we go live.
Weekly Video Bible Study
Each week, Pastor Dennis Nelson provides a 30 minute deep dive into the scriptures for the upcoming Sunday.
Ministries and Groups
Opportunities to Get Involved
Women’s Ministries
- LIFT: Ladies in Fellowship Together
- Secret Sisters in Prayer
- Hands in Service: Knitting & Crocheting Group
- Shepherd of the Hills Quilters
To get information on any of these groups email
Music Ministry
Choir, Worship Team, and Bell Choir
Adult Choir sings every Sunday during the Winter months with rehearsals on Wednesdays at 4:00 pm in the sanctuary. 🎵🎵 ALL SINGERS ARE WELCOME! 🎵🎵
Worship Team rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.
Hand Bell Choir rehearses on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm.
For more information on any of our musical groups, contact the office at
Cursillo (ker-SEE-o)
A Spanish word meaning “short course”, Cursillo is a short course in Christianity originally developed in Spain. A Cursillo weekend equips you through inspiring talks, daily worship, and prayer to become a more effective follower of Jesus. During the weekend, you will experience the joy of God’s grace and Christian friendship.
Contact Person: Roger Miller or email
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one lay caring ministry that takes place in congregations using the Stephen Series system to train and equip lay caregivers to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting or experiencing difficult times. A Stephen Minister usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person about once a week for about an hour.
Contact Person: Don Wirth or Ruby Bjornholt or email
Prayer Walk
The prayer walk is a place of solitude in the midst of God’s beauty. During the prayer walk, you will discover signs along the way, each containing a section of the prayer Jesus gave his disciples in Matthew 6:9-13, the Lord’s Prayer.
The walk begins on the lower level on the east side by the church office. Benches are provided along the path as well as a drinking fountain at stop #4. The Prayer Walk ends at the Heritage Garden. The entire walk is about one third of a mile round trip.
This path provides the opportunity for us to circle our church in prayer. We invite you to join in this walk.
More Ways to Get Involved
Worship Support
Sundays @ 9:30 am
Many people make worship happen on Sunday mornings. If you’d like to volunteer for any of these positions, please email
- Greeters
- Ushers
- Scripture Readers
- Camera Operator
- PowerPoint / ProPresenter
Prayer Chain
Call the office at 480 837-9532 or email to have your prayers added to the prayer chain. Also contact us if you would like to receive the prayer chain via email.
Property Team
Thursday afternoon, Friday, or Saturday.
Help to maintain our church facility, inside and out.
Contact Lloyd Tarr or the church office.
3 Ways to Stay in Touch
Follow Us On Facebook
Click the Facebook icon to access our Facebook page. Then click the Like or Follow Button on our page to see our posts in your feed.
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Complete the form on this page, and every Friday you’ll receive an email updating you on what’s going on at Shepherd of the Hills. Unsubscribe anytime.
Shepherd of the Hills is affiliated with Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ.