Missions Supported by Shepherd of the Hills
Awakening Lives to World Missions
Awakening Lives to World Missions (ALWM) International carries out ongoing, fruitful, life changing ministry in Bangladesh, Belarus, Cambodia, Kenya, Laos, Myanmar, Tanzania, Thailand & Vietnam through our ministry partners, missionaries and strategic projects in each country. Our primary focus is on taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have not heard.
Sponsor: Eileen Doench
Companion With The Poor

Paul and Queenie Rollet serve in the Philippines with Companion with the Poor (CWTP), a non-profit Christian organization that works with the poorest and the least reached slum communities in Metro Manila and nearby provincial cities. They plant holistic churches that meet the spiritual and physical needs of the most marginalized. CWTP partners with local churches to plant sustainable churches within two years.
Sponsor: Elaine Tarr
American Indian Christian Mission (AICM)

House of Blessing

Located in South Los Angeles, the House of Blessing’s mission is to inspire women and single mothers to build healthy relationships with God and the local community through educational, spiritual and economic advancement. We accommodate fifteen women at a time. The “House Mom” lives on the premises, managing the home and distributing the weekly chores for for the residents. Applicants must complete an intake form and an interview before entering the program. We accept residents from all backgrounds and walks of life; all beliefs, and cultures.
Sponsor: Charlene Puryear
Paz de Cristo

Paz de Cristo’s mission is to feed, clothe and empower those in need in the Phoenix East Valley. Our vision and mission guide our work each day helping people who struggle with hunger, poverty and homelessness.
Sponsor: Don Wirth
Peace Lutheran Church
A Growing Church in Holbrook, Arizona.
Begun 56 years ago to provide a Lutheran presence in the high desert community of Holbrook, Peace Lutheran has always been a small congregation. “What we lack in size, we make up for in warmth,” said charter member Elaine Snell (Elaine “graduated” to heaven in 2018), laughing, “You can’t slip through the cracks here!”
Sponsor: Pastor Jeff Johnson
Amazing Grace Lutheran Church

We are a small bilingual church located in Glendale, Arizona. Our focus is loving others to Christ and caring for each other as Jesus taught us. We offer Worship Services in English and Spanish. Our sermons relate to daily life.
Sponsors: Marcia Fears & Eileen Doench
Nicaragua Lutheran Mission
Pastor Juan Benito
Sponsor: Pastor Jeff Teeples
Pacific Islands University – Guam

Our mission is to prepare men & women with a biblical worldview for leadership and service in life, work & ministry in the community and around the world.
Sonsor: Pastor Jeff Johnson
Since 2005, the Maricopa County of Government’s Heat Relief Network has coordinated and implemented hydration stations, refuge locations, and water donation sites throughout the Valley with the goal of preventing heat related and heat caused deaths among the homeless population and other vulnerable populations. Beyond providing hydration, respite and wellness checks during the summer months, the Heat Respite at Grace Lutheran Church aspires to reach out to not only the physical needs of all those who come through the doors, but to their fullness as human beings.
Sponsor: Eileen Doench
Shepherd of the Hills Quilters
The Shepherd of the Hills Quilters are a small but mighty group of 8-12 ladies, who sew 35-45 quilts a year. The quilts are given to Veterans, U Mom, Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission, Grace Lutheran Prison Ministry, our graduating seniors and anyone in need of comfort. Come help! Join us for a short bible reading, coffee and lots of conversations on Tuesday mornings September through May.
Sponsor: Elaine Tarr
Across Nations Indian Reservation – Window Rock, NM
Across Nations is advancing the legacy of Western Indian Ministries by equipping Native America to exalt Jesus, encounter His goodness and extend His kingdom.
Sponsor: Pastor Jeff Johnson
Webb Family Cargo Project
Sponsor: Pastor Jeff Johnson
More Ways to Get Involved
Worship Support
Sundays @ 9:30 am
Many people make worship happen on Sunday mornings. During COVID-19, we have a special team handling these responsbilities.
- Greeters
- Ushers
- Scripture Readers
- Camera Operator
- PowerPoint / ProPresenter
Prayer Chain
Call Pastor Jeff in the office at 480 837-9532 or via email at Jeff@sothaz.com to have your prayers added to the prayer chain. Also contact Jeff if you would like to receive the prayer chain via email.
Property Team
Thursday afternoon, Friday, or Saturday.
Help to maintain our church facility, inside and out.
Contact Lloyd Tarr or the church office.
Join Our Newsletter!
Sign up for regular emails updating you on what’s going on at Shepherd of the Hills.
Shepherd of the Hills is affiliated with Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ.