Adult Education: Story Worthy

Sundays at 8:30 am

May 7 – August 27

It’s good to affirm what you believe in!

This summer the Sunday class will reinforce your trust in Jesus and give you more words to speak about Him. “Story Worthy” is a class Kris and I developed over the years to help students articulate what they believed in their last year of confirmation. Every year parents would say, “I wish I could have had a class like this for my confirmation!”

So I am adapting the class to fit here at Shepherd of the Hills. You have a story to tell, “Story Worthy” will help you find the words to speak about faith, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Each class stands alone as a topic, attend as many classes as you are able. The weekly hand-outs will be accumulated for you in your folder, or if you are out of town for a while, they will be emailed to you.

Story Worthy meets every Sunday at 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall.

Handouts for each class will be linked here as they become available.

Pastor Jeff Teeples

Class Schedule

Orientation to Story Worthy: What is at the Center of Christian Experience?
Adventure, Battle, Free Gift, Service.

Handout for May 7

MAY 14
Jesus Calls You To Life
The life of faith is full of invitation and challenge. Can scripture still speak to us?

Handout for May 14

MAY 21
We Believe in God our Father and Creator
Developing a right understanding of who God is and how we can understand his character.

Handout for May 21

MAY 28
We Believe in Jesus the Lord and Savior
Jesus is the Lord and Savior! Is he MY Lord and Savior? The ‘main thing’ of belief!

Handout for May 28

We Believe in the Holy Spirit
In sync with the Spirit! Learning about the third and often neglected member of Trinity.

Handout for June 4

Lifting Up the Cross
We are theologians of the Cross, not theologians of Glory.

Balancing the Relationships of Life
Understanding the up, in and out of Christian relationships!  

Meet the English: Jim & Shelle English Missionaries to Liberia
They will share about their ministry in Liberia. This is one of Ministries that SOTH supports.

Living in Rhythm with Life
How one carves out sacred spaces for prayer and worship to reconnect with God.

Knowing Your Role in Life
How am I uniquely gifted and created to spread God’s light and love.

Defining your Priorities in Life
Jesus calls each of us to servant leadership. Journey from Learner to Leader.

Living a Life with a Mission and Purpose
How we passionately work for justice and peace in our homes, community and world.

Story Worthy: Working Session to Document (write it down) What you Believe
Begin working on your paper/project, “What My Faith Means to me”

God Reaching Out to Touch Us through the Sacraments
Why Baptism and Holy Communion Are So Important.

Story Worthy Part 2: Working Session to Document (write it down) What you Believe
Continue working on your paper/project, “What My Faith Means to me”

Story Sharing
Sharing a portion of your paper/project with the class.

Story Sharing
Sharing a portion of your paper/project with the class.